

HOW TO PROTECT “COOL” TWO FAMILIAR WAYS TO PROTECT PRODUCT DESIGNS, PLUS A THIRD WAY YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF AND CAN UNDOUBTEDLY AFFORD. Everyone wants a patent. It’s perfectly logical to want to protect a new product.  Technical innovations help set you apart in a crowded marketplace and a patent prevents anyone else from offering your innovation for 20  [...]


(What Their Trademark Filings Reveal) Read on to see how this resolutely ties in to trademarks Every month on behalf of my clients, and to keep tabs on the industry, I personally search and review every trademark in the industry.  I like to know who’s filing what, and even who’s doing the filing.  I can sometimes get a peek behind the curtain when a major company  [...]

How to Get Top Dollar for Your Company in 5 Years

Almost five years ago I wrote that headline. Those who took the advice that month would be in negotiations for a transaction that closes early next year. Since I wrote that, we’ve been through several cycles of “Smart money is acquiring companies” and “Nobody is investing!” The lesson here is not to rely on the current climate to drive your optimism about selling  [...]

The World’s Most Famous Shooter?

How to Avoid Annoying Fans? At last month’s NRA show in my hometown, I was happy to bump into Donald Trump Jr. to offer him a copy of my book. As you can see, he’s carrying a shopping bag in each hand. Smart celebrity trick to avoid shaking every hand at public events, and having to accept books being thrust at you from patent lawyers. I trust that the bags weren’t  [...]

How To Preserve Your Patent Rights – Even Before You Can Afford To

My “Lifeboat” Patent Strategy Re-Explained Sometimes a topic is important enough to revisit after a few years.  This one reexamines the frequent question of how to “extend” a provisional patent application beyond its natural 12-month life. My readers all know that the smart start for a small inventor or a new company with an invention to protect is a  [...]


The Health of the Industry? First, my immune system is checking in “safe” after returning from the Show. I think there was much more health consciousness and courtesy at this show than ever before as we all come to grips with the fact that the show is unmissable even for the ailing, but one we each need to survive. I’d like to thank all those who offered fist bumps or  [...]