
Who is on Donald Trump’s Second Amendment Coalition?

Chairmen: Donald Trump, Jr. The Trump Organization Chris Cox Executive Director, NRA-ILA Co-Chairs: Ron Adams, NC Concealed Carry Assn. Thomas Alibrando, IWI US, Inc. Paul Babaz, Safari Club International Diane Bahnson, affiliation unknown Ronnie Barrett, Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Dan Berger, Nat’l Assn. of Fed. Credit Unions U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop, (R-UT 1) John Boch, Guns Save Life, Inc. Eli Bremer, Olympic pentathlete, entrepreneur Dave Butz, fmer Washington Redskins player Bob Callan, sport shooter,  [...]

Who is Advising Trump on Gun Laws?

The Second Amendment Coalition that will be advising him on gun law reforms On November 3, 2016, President-Elect Trump announced the appointment of a 62-member advisory panel called the Second Amendment Coalition. I quickly scanned the list (to see the full list, go to the end) to see who I knew, and to get a feel for the crowd. Some I knew from my years in the industry, and I’ve gotten patents for one on the list. Others I recognized for their fame as competition shooters. Most I had never heard of... With the announcement, gun rights activists and industry  [...]


Is our Nation Really Ready for a Leader with a Strange Hairstyle? How My “Yuge” Pre-Election Predictions Went Viral You know how that wise person in your life sometimes cautions you to be careful what you post on Facebook, because it might end up being seen by everyone? That happened to me, and embarrassingly, it was the predictions I made the day before the election that was picked up, published, and analyzed by after the election. Oops! I’ll share the predictions, their comments, and my plea for mercy, followed by my thoughts on what a Trump Presidency  [...]

How to Extend a Provisional Patent Application

Plus: Trump, NASGW, and a Baby My readers all know that the smart start for a small inventor or a new company with an invention to protect is a Provisional patent application (aka “Caveman Patent” because it’s so easy…). For a low flat fee of $1000, and with my personal guidance and coaching, we earn First-to-File “Patent Pending” status by file an inventor-created document that I ensure is legally suitable to describe and illustrate the invention. The “bad news” is that the inventor gets to do most of the work. But, the good news is that we take care of  [...]

Free Patent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

The Surprises and Secrets of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) Photo credit: Oleg Vo In the patent world, one of the most important, yet sur­pris­ingly overrated issues is secrecy. Yet while it’s a need­less fear for many, it can make sense to protect your­self when you have to trust someone else with your secrets.  An NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) is also known as a “confi­dentiality agreement” (CA), “confidential disclosure agreement” (CDA), “proprietary information agreement” (PIA), or “secrecy agreement” (SA).  They’re all the same  [...]

Funny Lawyer Letter About Disney Trademarks

(And, the Hilarious Lawyer Letter I Never Got to Send) One of the things I love best about my work is filing creative trademarks for inventors and firearms business owners.  One of the things I love least is dealing with some of the “other” lawyers out there. The "Star of Death:? The saga begins when one of my oldest and favorite clients, MGM Targets had me file a trademark application to secure the trademark DEATH STAR for their star-shaped Whirly-Gig® targets.  I have to say that Mike Gibson is one of my favorite industry figures, and maybe that’s  [...]